Towering Pyre "S/T" cassette (Nervous Light)

Towering pyre "s/t" cassette (nervous light)
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This is some of the most brutal shit I have heard in a long time. I don't know what genre of metal to place it in. Just the pissed off, heavy and evil variety. I think i've heard someone describe them as blackened thrash, I don't really know what that means but it still creates a ballpark. Features ex members of Obstruction, A-Priori, Rogue Nations, Choke The Rivers..., Poontanglers and a whole bunch of other craziness.

The band is fronted by a womyn, but you wouldn't know that by listening to it, and not that it should matter you sexist pig.

Features 5 tracks, one track being 7 minutes long. Blast beats over mayhem and all on a pro-printed tape. Metal fans scoop this gem up!!!!!

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